# instruct brms to use cmdstanr as backend and cache all Stan binaries
options(brms.backend="cmdstanr", cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir=here("_brms-cache"))
# create cache directory if not yet available
dir.create(here("_brms-cache"), FALSE)
# Table formatting helper function:
<- function(x) {
gt_format |> fmt_number(decimals=2) |>
x opt_interactive(
page_size_default = 5,
use_text_wrapping = F,
use_compact_mode = T
) }
10 Time-to-event modelling in Oncology dose escalation
This case study demonstrates
- setting up a time-to-event model and prior with explicit modeling of a piecewise-constant log-hazard in
using Poisson regression - how this time-to-event model relates to the standard BLRM
- computing and visualizing conditional and cumulative event probabilities
- how to determine the impact of the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) on decision criteria, e.g., Escalation With Overdose Control (EWOC)
- in the exercise: setting up custom
link functions for the two-drug case
10.1 Background
The aim of Oncology Phase-I trials is to identify a drug dose which is reasonable safe to use and efficacious at the same time. As cytotoxic drugs aim to kill cancer cells, it is expected that toxicity events are to some extent a surrogate for efficacy of the drug. Due to the life-threatening nature of the disease one thereby uses dose escalation trial designs to identify the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) or recommended dose (RD) rapidly. These trials enroll small patient cohorts at some drug dose and then assess at a dose escalation meeting (DEM) all safety events occurring over the time-course of a treatment cycle (often 4 weeks). The safety events classified as dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) then determine which dose levels are safe for use in the next patient cohort. In this way an increasing data set on the toxicity of the drug emerges as the trial continues.
There are many approaches on how to guide dose escalation trials at a DEM. Traditional designs such as the 3+3 design are based on algorithmic rules governing the decision for the subsequent cohort based on the outcome at the current dose. Specifically, 3 patients are enrolled onto a cohort and the drug dose is increased in case no DLT occurs, if 1 DLT occurs the drug dose is kept constant while it is decreased if more DLTs occur. Whenever two cohorts in sequence observe 1 out of 3, the 3+3 trial completes. This is in line with the goal of a 33% DLT rate at the MTD. It has been shown that these rule-based approaches have rather poor statistical properties and model based approaches have been proposed. In particular, Bayesian model-based designs have proven to provide greater flexibility and improved performance for estimating the MTD, while protecting patient safety. In the model-based paradigm for dose escalation, one develops a model for the dose-toxicity relationship. As DLT data accumulates on-study, the model is used to adaptively guide dose escalation decisions. Bayesian approaches are well-suited for this setting, due in part to the limited amount of available data (Phase-I studies are generally small).
Recent, more targeted treatments, have challenged several aspects taken for granted for traditional cytotoxic therapies, such as
- Estimating the MTD over just one treatment cycle: since targeted therapies are typically safer than cytotoxic ones and are applied over longer time periods, estimating longer-term (multi-cycle) dose-toxicity relationships has become more important. However, we typically do not want to wait for the full time period (e.g., 3 cycles) to decide the dose for the next cohort. That is, after the first cycle, one may want to extrapolate to the dose-toxicity relationship over 3 cycles given a prior on how the conditional toxicity of the next cycles changes with respect to the first one. However, this is not easily feasible with methods that only use binary (DLT yes/no) data.
- Constant dosing regimen: For some targeted treatments it may be advantageous to vary the dosing regimen, for instance, by performing within-patient dose-ramp-up over several weeks to avoid cytokine release syndrome. However, classical binary cycle-1 methods such as the 3+3, BOIN or the Bayesian Logistic Regression Model (BLRM) are not able to directly incorporate time-varying dosing or hazard reductions due to ramp-up dosing.
- Ignoring dropout: In classical binary dose-DLT methods, where DLT yes/no was measured for each patient over the first treatment cycle, data from patients that dropped out during this cycle (for instance due to disease progression) is typically ignored. This is no longer an option with modern cancer treatments in Phase I that are both taken over longer time periods where dropout is more likely, as well as administered in last-line treatment populations with aggressive cancers / rapid dropout due to disease progression.
These challenges can be addressed by switching to time-to-first-event (time-to-DLT) modeling with piecewise-constant hazards, where the constant period is chosen to align with a period of interest. For instance, if the dose-toxicity relationship over 3 cycles is of interest, one might choose to model piecewise-constant hazards per cycle, or if we are interested in the dose-toxicity relationship of several regimens that contain within-patient ramp-up of dosing on a weekly basis, we might choose piecewise-constant hazards for each week.
10.2 Required libraries
To run the R code of this section please ensure to load these libraries and options first:
10.3 Example trial
In the following, we will assume a simple setting of a first-in-human (FIH) study of a new Oncology treatment. Here, we consider the dose-DLT relationship over a time horizon of 3 treatment cycles, a cycle length of 4 weeks, and daily (QD) dosing of a drug A at a pre-defined dose set with reference dose
<- rep(weeks(4), 3)
cycle_lengths <- 50
dref_A <- c(1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50)
<- seq_along(cycle_lengths)
cycle_seq <- seq_along(doses) dose_seq
We will use the logarithm of the normalized dose (with respect to a reference dose std_A
, and whether the log-dose is finite as finite_A
, which will become relevant in the case of drug combinations.
<- function(dose_info, drug = "A", dref) {
add_std_dose_col |> mutate(
dose_info "std_{drug}" := log(get(paste0("dose_", drug)) / dref),
"finite_{drug}" := 1L * (get(paste0("dose_", drug)) != 0)
) }
10.4 Data
We now need individual patient data (IPD) containing:
- The doses planned to be administered in each of the three cycles,
- The start and end dates of each cycle
- The date of censoring (either at the end of the last cycle due to end of the observation period, or during the trial due to dropout)
- The date of DLT
As an example, we create 3-cycle data in long format reflecting the data used in the BLRM dose escalation case study:
# Create a single patient
<- tibble(
example_ipd cycle_index = cycle_seq,
dose_A = 1,
num_toxicities = 0,
follow_up = as.numeric(cycle_lengths, "days")
# Create long-format individual-patient data (IPD) corresponding to the one
# in the BLRM dose escalation case study
<- bind_rows(
ipd |> slice(rep(row_number(), 3)),
example_ipd |> mutate(dose_A = 2.5) |> slice(rep(row_number(), 4)),
example_ipd |> mutate(dose_A = 5) |> slice(rep(row_number(), 5)),
example_ipd |> mutate(dose_A = 10) |> slice(rep(row_number(), 4)),
example_ipd |> mutate(dose_A = 25, num_toxicities = 1) |> slice(rep(1, 2))
example_ipd |> add_std_dose_col(drug = "A", dref = dref_A)
|> gt() |> gt_format() ipd
We define dosing schedules that we want to compute DLT probabilities for. Here, we choose schedules that are constant over all three cycles:
# Dosing information per cycle
<- expand_grid(schedule_id = dose_seq, cycle = cycle_seq) |>
dose_info_long mutate(dose_A = doses[schedule_id])
# Cycle information
<- tibble(
cycle_info cycle = cycle_seq,
follow_up = as.numeric(cycle_lengths, "days")
We also generate a reference dosing data set which is formatted like an analysis data set, but is only setup to evaluate the final model on the predefined set of doses. These will be needed to compute the conditional (or cumulative) DLT probabilities in (up to) cycles 1, 2 and 3:
<- dose_info_long |>
dose_ref_data left_join(cycle_info, by="cycle") |>
mutate(num_toxicities=0L) |>
add_std_dose_col(drug = "A", dref = dref_A)
10.5 Model description
For each cycle
For each patient
The primary focus of the model is the risk for DLT events over the course of a sequence of cycles. Thus, we do not aim to model accurately the risk for an event within each cycle. While one could model the event and censoring times as interval censored observations, we disregard here the interval censoring and use a continuous time representation of the time to event process. The continuous time representation can be understood as an approximation of the interval censored process with time lapsing in full units of a cycle. As a consequence, the observed event time
10.5.1 Model definition
To define our model, we use the following basic definitions from survival analysis. The survival function
We now have two quantities that are of particular interest:
The cumulative DLT probability up to cycle
given a prescribed dosing over the three cycles:The conditional DLT probability of cycle
given survival up to cycle (i.e., not having observed a DLT event up to the end of cycle ): where is the hazard function and the cumulative hazard.
Given the drug dose
is the same as for the BLRM in cycle one if we elapse time in cycles (then
The cumulative DLT probability can also be derived, where
Last, but not least, the likelihood for all patients
The Poisson distribution for observing
Note, that when using the Poisson approach in brms
we pass the cumulative hazard
10.5.2 Model prior
For the above model, we must define a prior for the parameters
The reference dose
Hence, when setting the mean of
If we are interested in modeling treatment cycles, we might let the time unit elapse in full cycles and set the reference time point to the end of cycle 1 (
Given the similarity of the Poisson TTE model to the one cycle focused BLRM we will use the same rational for the slope parameter
- Thomas et al. (2014) doi:10.1080/19466315.2014.924876,
- Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research (2020) doi:10.1201/9781315180212 and
- Thomas et al. (2017) doi:10.1080/19466315.2016.1256229 for details.
Therefore, in the absence of more specific knowledge (e.g. pre-clinical data, historical clinical data for the mechanism of action, etc.) we assume a prior for
As discussed above, the intercept
is that we have some level of confidence in the set of doses which we study in the trial to be reasonable. That is, the fact that we choose to study a concrete dose range is by itself prior knowledge driven by a multitude of (pre-clinical & clinical) considerations. This prior choice deliberately avoids that a limited number of DLT events at the start of the trial can entirely undermine our initial understanding of the drug safety profile. Only with sufficient data the model will stop a trial.
For a better intuition of the model prior, it is a helpful to study data scenarios (left out here) and to visualize the joint model prior rather than considering the prior on each parameter individually. This is covered in section Section 10.6.3.
10.6 Implementation
For the case of a single agent trial we can cast the problem into a Poisson regression framework as detailed above and define the brms
model formula as follows. We use here a non-linear model formla syntax to enforce a positive slope:
tte_model bf(num_toxicities | rate(follow_up) ~ interA + exp(slopeA) * std_A,
~ 1,
interA ~ 1,
slopeA nl=TRUE, family=poisson()
helps us to get the list of model parameters requiring prior specifications:
get_prior(tte_model, data = ipd)
prior class coef group resp dpar nlpar lb ub source
(flat) b interA default
(flat) b Intercept interA (vectorized)
(flat) b slopeA default
(flat) b Intercept slopeA (vectorized)
We can for instance define a prior with 20% DLT probability after the first treatment cycle at the reference dose. For more details on the
## -4.83 approx cloglog(0.2) - log(7*4) for drug A
tte_prior prior(normal(-4.83, 1), nlpar=interA, class=b, coef=Intercept) +
prior(normal(0, log(4)/1.96), nlpar=slopeA)
We then create the Stan model code
<- tte_model |> make_stancode(
tte_stanmodel data = ipd, prior = tte_prior
and data:
<- tte_model |> make_standata(
tte_standata data = ipd, prior = tte_prior
After inspecting the generated code and data for correctness, we compile the model without sampling it (chains = 0
) yet:
<- tte_model |> brm(
tte_brms_model data = ipd, prior = tte_prior, chains = 0, silent = 2
10.6.1 Computing conditional and cumulative DLT probabilities for a given dosing schedule
We define a function to compute the conditional and cumulative DLT probabilities over a given schedule, respectively. This function needs to take the hazards for each piecewise-constant interval and compute the respective DLT probability. We write the function in the same logic as the add_*_rvars
functions from tidybayes
such that we can easily complement analysis data sets with the probabilities of interest:
<- function(newdata, model, time, .by) {
add_risk_rvars ## P(T =< t) = 1 - P(T > t) = inv_cloglog(log(H(t)))
## <=> P(T =< t) = 1 - P(T > t) = inv_clog(H(t))
## inv_cloglog(cll) = 1 - exp(-exp(cll))
## => inv_clog = 1 - exp(-cl)
<- function(cl) { 1 - exp(-cl) }
## data must be sorted by time to ensure that the cumulative sum
## works correctly below
<- order(pull(newdata, {{.by}}), pull(newdata, {{time}}))
time_order <- seq_len(nrow(newdata))[time_order]
orig_order <- newdata[time_order,]
riskdata <- rvar(posterior_epred(model,
H newdata=riskdata,
<- mutate(riskdata,
riskdata prob=inv_clog(cumsum(H[cur_group_rows()])),
riskdata[orig_order,] }
10.6.2 Dose escalation decisions
As in the basic dose-escalation chapter, we will apply Escalation With Overdose Control (EWOC). I.e., we define a threshold above which doses are “excessively toxic”
and evaluate EWOC by checking if the last quantity exceeds
For the set of MCMC draws, we can compute median, mean, sd, 25% and 75% quantiles, the interval probability as well as the EWOC criteria using the summarize_draws
function from the posterior
package. Especially for the EWOC metric, we also would like to know if there are any pre-specified doses where the Monte Carlo Error could flip the decision whether a dose is considered safe enough (or not).
We test for this using a Z-test (one-sample location test) for the 75% quantile and its distance from the critical threshold mcse_q75
). We define the EWOC metric to be sufficiently accurate if the probability of flipping the decision due insufficient accuracy (and hence large MCSE) is smaller than 2.5% certainty on whatever side of the decision threshold. In turn we are at least 97.5% certain that the decision is robust wrt to fluctuations implied by MCMC sampling variability. Here we assume that the statistic is normally distributed:
<- function(draws) {
summarize_probs summarize_draws(
median, mean, sd, ~quantile2(.x, probs = c(0.25, 0.75)),
~prop.table(table(cut(.x, breaks = c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1)))),
~mcse_quantile(.x, probs = 0.75),
|> mutate(
) ewoc_ok = q75 < 0.33,
stat = (q75 - .33) / mcse_q75,
ewoc_accurate = abs(stat) >= qnorm(0.975)
|> select(-variable)
) }
To inspect the prior, we first sample the model ignoring the data:
<- update(tte_brms_model, chains = 4, sample_prior = "only") tte_model_prioronly
Now we can compute the conditional and cumulative DLT probabilities implied by the prior,
<- dose_ref_data |>
prior_risk add_risk_rvars(tte_model_prioronly, cycle, schedule_id)
and display them as a table, i.e., the conditional DLT probabilities
prior_risk mutate(summarize_probs(cprob)) |>
select(-num_toxicities, -std_A, -prob, -cprob) |>
gt() |> gt_format()
as well the cumulative probabilities
prior_risk mutate(summarize_probs(prob)) |>
select(-num_toxicities, -std_A, -prob, -cprob) |>
gt() |> gt_format()
10.6.3 Visualizing the model prior
We can also visualize the prior in terms of the sampled curves, and see whether this distribution makes sense to us. We can, e.g., see, that the prior we defined above is quite sensible in terms of the dose-response curves it implies: Conditional DLT probability in cycle 1
Show the code
<- function(data) {
add_plot_cols |> mutate(
data EWOC = factor(ewoc_ok, c(TRUE, FALSE), c("OK", "Not OK")),
dose_A = factor(dose_A),
Cycle = cycle
<- seq(0, 2*dref_A, length.out = 100 + 1)
doses_dense <- expand_grid(
dose_info_dense schedule_id = seq_along(doses_dense),
cycle = cycle_seq
) mutate(dose_A = doses_dense[schedule_id])
<- dose_info_dense |>
dose_ref_data_dense left_join(cycle_info, by="cycle") |>
mutate(num_toxicities=0L) |>
add_std_dose_col(drug = "A", dref = dref_A)
<- function(model, schedules, doses) {
plot_cycle1_dist <- schedules |>
plot_data add_risk_rvars(model, cycle, schedule_id) |>
mutate(summarize_probs(cprob)) |>
filter(cycle == 1)
<- plot_data |>
plot_data_long select(dose_A, cprob) |>
plot_data_long ggplot(aes(dose_A, y = cprob, group = .draw)) +
geom_line( alpha=0.01) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = doses) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) +
hline_at(0.33, linetype = I(2)) +
"Risk of a DLT in cycle 1"
) xlab("Dose [mg]") +
ylab("P(DLT in cycle | survival to cycle start)") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
plot_cycle1_dist(tte_model_prioronly, dose_ref_data_dense, c(doses, 2*dref_A))
If one chooses a very wide prior on a parameter without considering the response scale, this can, result in priors that are not biologically justifiable. For instance, if we chose a much higher standard deviation for the prior of the slope
Show the code
tte_prior_wide prior(normal(-4.83, 1), nlpar=interA, class=b, coef=Intercept) +
prior(normal(0, 3), nlpar=slopeA)
<- tte_model |> brm(
tte_brms_model_wide_prioronly data = ipd, prior = tte_prior_wide, silent = 2, sample_prior = "only"
plot_cycle1_dist(tte_brms_model_wide_prioronly, dose_ref_data_dense, c(doses, 2*dref_A))
Nevertheless, it is easier to visualize the distributiom of the estimated dose-response curves for the pre-specified doses using the stat_pointinterval
stat from the ggdist
package: Conditional DLT probability in each of the 3 cycles
<- function(model, schedules) {
plot_cprob |>
schedules add_risk_rvars(model, cycle, schedule_id) |>
mutate(summarize_probs(cprob)) |>
add_plot_cols() |>
ggplot(aes(dose_A, ydist = cprob, colour = EWOC)) +
facet_wrap(~Cycle, labeller = label_both) +
stat_pointinterval(.width = 0.5) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.5)) +
hline_at(0.33, linetype = I(2)) +
"Conditional risk for one DLT per cycle",
"Risk is conditional on survival at the same dose up to cycle start.\nShown is the median (dot) and central 50% CrI (line)."
) xlab("Dose [mg]") +
ylab("P(DLT in cycle | survival to cycle start)")
plot_cprob(tte_model_prioronly, dose_ref_data) Cumulative DLT probability over 3 cycles
<- function(model, schedules) {
plot_prob |>
schedules add_risk_rvars(model, cycle, schedule_id) |>
mutate(summarize_probs(prob)) |>
add_plot_cols() |>
ggplot(aes(dose_A, ydist = prob, colour = EWOC)) +
stat_pointinterval(.width = 0.5) +
facet_wrap(~Cycle, labeller = label_both) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 0.5)) +
hline_at(0.33, linetype = I(2)) +
"Overall risk for DLT up to cycle",
"Given same dose over all cycles.\nShown is the median (dot) and central 50% CrI (line)."
) xlab("Dose [mg]") +
ylab("P(DLT up to cycle)")
plot_prob(tte_model_prioronly, dose_ref_data)
10.7 Examining the model posterior
We now sample the model including the data:
<- update(tte_brms_model, chains = 4) tte_model_posterior
10.7.1 Inference for model parameters
It is simple to get summary statistics and graphical displays of the posterior distributions for the model parameters:
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
b_interA_Intercept -4.2141036 0.8817048 -5.8656920 -2.438936
b_slopeA_Intercept 0.3359283 0.4634905 -0.6674834 1.147130
lprior -2.3972805 1.0369622 -5.3616400 -1.507926
lp__ -7.6912674 1.0165879 -10.4014250 -6.677724
::mcmc_plot(tte_model_posterior, type = "dens", facet_args = list(ncol = 1)) brms
10.7.2 Inference for conditional and cumulative DLT probabilities
The conditional and cumulative DLT probabilities are now higher, as expected from the data:
plot_cprob(tte_model_posterior, dose_ref_data)
plot_prob(tte_model_posterior, dose_ref_data)
10.8 Conclusion
can handle time-to-event modelling for DLTs in an early Oncology dose escalation trial using Poisson regression with an offset for the follow-up, and produce all the posterior summaries necessary for guiding such trials. There are, of course, many possible extensions and complications to this methodology, such as hazards varying by treatment cycle (e.g., monotonically decreasing), or by prior treatment (e.g., decreasing hazard in case of prior ramp-up dosing), or drug combinations. The latter will be the topic of the exercise for this chapter where we showcase how to define custom link functions in brms
to handle the combination case.
10.9 Exercise
Often, investigational cancer drugs are tested on top of a standard-of-care (SoC) treatment. In this exercise, we will explore how we can extend the single-agent time-to-event model to a combination of investigational drug and SoC treatment.
In the following, we assume the SoC treatment also has a hazard rate when present, and that there is no drug-drug interactions, i.e., the hazards are additive.
We model the log-hazard
## Stan function to make combo2 non-linear link come to life. To avoid
## issues with negative infinity (log(0)) whenever one of the drugs is
## not present, we have to pass in this information.
## 3. if drug_A is present (finiteA: indicator 1 = present, 0 = absent)
## 4. if drug_B is present (finnitB: indicator 1 = present, 0 = absent)
<- "
combo2_tte_stan_code // log(h) = log(exp(muA) + exp(muB))
real combo2_tte_log_inv_link(real muA, real muB, int finiteA, int finiteB) {
real log_h;
if(finiteA == 1 && finiteB == 1) {
log_h = log_sum_exp(muA, muB);
} else if(finiteA == 1 && finiteB != 1) {
log_h = muA;
} else if(finiteA != 1 && finiteB == 1) {
log_h = muB;
} else if(finiteA != 1 && finiteB != 1) {
// Need to use negative_infinity() instead of -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
// to avoid autodiff issues
log_h = negative_infinity();
return log_h;
<- stanvar(scode = combo2_tte_stan_code, block = "functions")
## Define respective R function which is used for simulation of the
## posterior in R. Note that the inputs are given as draws of matrices
## which have the format of draws representing rows and columns
## corresponding to observation rows in the modeling data set for
## which the posterior is simulated.
<- function(muA, muB, finiteA, finiteB) {
combo2_tte_log_inv_link <- ncol(muA) # number of observations
N <- nrow(muA) # number of draws
## flatten the matrices to vectors (column-major ordering)
<- as.vector(muA)
muA <- as.vector(muB)
muB <- as.vector(finiteA)
finiteA <- as.vector(finiteB)
<- matrixStats::rowLogSumExps(cbind(muA, muB))
<- case_when(
log_h == 1 & finiteB == 1 ~ log_muAB,
finiteA == 1 & finiteB != 1 ~ muA,
finiteA != 1 & finiteB == 1 ~ muB,
finiteA != 1 & finiteB != 1 ~, times=D*N)
## cast result into draws x observation matrix
matrix(log_h, D, N)
Note that the brms
model corresponding to the combination model described above is quite different from the single-drug case due to the need for a custom non-linear link function:
combo2_tte_model bf(num_toxicities | rate(follow_up) ~ combo2_tte_log_inv_link(muA, muB, finite_A, finite_B),
nlf(muA ~ interA + exp(slopeA) * std_A),
~ 1,
slopeA ~ 1,
interA ~ 1,
muB nl=TRUE, loop=TRUE, family=poisson
In addition, we need the indicators finite_A and finite_B now, in order to numerically deal with cases where one or both of the drugs has zero 0 dose.
Now for the exercise:
- Update the
data to include the SoC as drug B (hint: use drug name “B” and a reference dose of 1 for SoC present).
<- ipd |>
combo2_ipd mutate(dose_B = 1) |>
add_std_dose_col(drug = "B", dref = 1)
- Define a prior for the SoC treatment that corresponds to a DLT probability of 5% in the first cycle with a standard deviation of 1.
get_prior(combo2_tte_model, data = combo2_ipd)
prior class coef group resp dpar nlpar lb ub source
(flat) b interA default
(flat) b Intercept interA (vectorized)
(flat) b muB default
(flat) b Intercept muB (vectorized)
(flat) b slopeA default
(flat) b Intercept slopeA (vectorized)
## -6.3 approx cloglog(0.05) - log(7*4) for the SoC
combo2_tte_prior prior(normal(-4.83, 1), nlpar=interA, class=b, coef=Intercept) +
prior(normal(0, log(4)/1.96), nlpar=slopeA) +
prior(normal(-6.3, 1), nlpar=muB, coef=Intercept)
- Which dose of the investigational drug would still be sufficiently safe according to the standard EWOC criterion when administered on top of the SoC treatment?
<- combo2_tte_model |> brm(
combo2_tte_brms_model data = combo2_ipd, stanvars = combo2_tte_stanvar,
prior = combo2_tte_prior, silent = 2
<- dose_ref_data |>
combo2_dose_ref_data mutate(dose_B = 1) |>
add_std_dose_col(drug = "B", dref = 1)
<- combo2_dose_ref_data |>
combo2_risk add_risk_rvars(combo2_tte_brms_model, cycle, schedule_id)
combo2_risk mutate(summarize_probs(cprob)) |>
select(-num_toxicities, -std_A, -prob, -cprob) |>
gt() |> gt_format()
combo2_risk mutate(summarize_probs(prob)) |>
filter(cycle == 3, ewoc_ok) |>
select(-num_toxicities, -std_A, -std_B, -prob, -cprob, -finite_A, -finite_B) |>
gt() |> gt_format()
I.e., we can see that the highest dose that is safe according to the EWOC criterion until the end of cycle 3 would be a dose of 10 for drug A.
10.10 Appendix
10.10.1 Model derivation
For each cycle
For each patient
The primary focus of the model is the risk for DLT events over the course of a sequence of cycles. Thus, we do not aim to model accurately the risk for an event within each cycle. While one could model the event and censoring times as interval censored observations, we disregard here the interval censoring and use a continuous time representation of the time to event process. The continuous time representation can be understood as an approximation of the interval censored process with time lapsing in full units of a cycle. As a consequence, the observed event time
10.10.2 Definitions from Survival Analysis
To define our model, we use the following basic definitions from survival analysis. The survival function
and the cumulative hazard function
We now have two quantities that are of particular interest:
The cumulative DLT probability up to cycle
given a prescribed dosing over the three cycles:The conditional DLT probability of cycle
given survival up to cycle (i.e., not having observed a DLT event up to the end of cycle ):
In the following, we will also use the complementary log-log link
10.10.3 Model definition
Given the drug dose
This is closely related to the classic two-parameter Bayesian Logistic Regression Model (BLRM), since the conditional probability of observing a DLT,
is the same as for the BLRM in cycle one if we elapse time in cycles (then
The cumulative DLT probability can also be derived, where
Last, but not least, the likelihood for all patients