
This vignette shows how to use the shiny modules from {subpat} in your own applications.

Subpopulation Module

The subpopulation module provides a tidymodules R6 class. Using these modules is just as easy as using a standard shiny module.

The input to the module is, datalist a reactive list of data sets (tibbles, data frames, etc). The options passed to the module are reactiveValues

With these options the module will expect that each data set has a common variable ID.

We can see that from the output the input and outputs are shown as NULL. The options are OK because they default to the ADaM data set format. We can see this by accessing the options in the module

We can pass in the options using one of two options:

We can include this in our shiny app using the following example. Since the subpopulation module uses bs4Dash features, we need to include it in a bs4DashPage.

Results in the follow interface: Simple Subpopulation Module Example