PISCES Documentation¶
PISCES is a pipeline for rapid transcript quantitation, genetic fingerprinting, and quality control assessment of RNAseq libraries using Salmon.
Install the python module (see Installation instructions)
Create transcriptome and genome index files (see pisces index)
Create a CSV file to define your experiment (see PISCES metadata file format)
Submit your jobs to a DRMAA aware high performance computing cluster (see pisces submit)
Summarize gene/transcript expression and QC metrics in analysis-ready tables using pisces summarize-expression and pisces summarize-qc.
![digraph {
abundance [label="<f0> TMM(TPM)|<f1> counts|<f2> transcript metrics", shape=record];
de [label="<f0> log2(fold-change)|<f1> p-value", shape=record];
qc [label="<f0> nucleotide metrics|<f1> genotype metrics", shape=record];
index [label="<f0> salmon index|<f1> gene-transcript mapping|<f2> transcript/intron/intergene models", shape=record];
"config.json" -> "pisces index" [arrowhead=none];
"metadata.csv" -> "pisces submit" [arrowhead=none];
"metadata.csv" -> "pisces summarize-expression" [arrowhead=none];
"metadata.csv" -> "pisces summarize-qc" [arrowhead=none];
"contrasts.csv" -> "pisces summarize-expression" [arrowhead=none];
"pisces submit" -> "pisces summarize-expression";
"pisces submit" -> "pisces summarize-qc";
"pisces summarize-expression" -> abundance;
"pisces summarize-expression" -> de;
"pisces summarize-qc" -> qc;
"pisces index" -> index;
index -> "pisces submit";
Fig. 9 Overview of PISCES workflow, demonstrating configuration file inputs and descriptions of processes and outputs for each PISCES subcommand (index, submit, summarize-expression and summarize-qc).¶
The manuscript is available on bioRxiv and the latest version can be viewed in this documentation: PISCES: a package for rapid quantitation and quality control of large scale mRNA-seq datasets.
Matthew D Shirley, Viveksagar K Radhakrishna, Javad Golji, Joshua M Korn. PISCES: a package for rapid quantitation and quality control of large scale mRNA-seq datasets. bioRxiv. 2020.
Pull requests and issues are welcomed on the pisces Github repository.