PISCES Documentation ==================== PISCES is a pipeline for rapid transcript quantitation, genetic fingerprinting, and quality control assessment of RNAseq libraries using `Salmon `__. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: install.rst data_formats.rst managing_metadata.rst running.rst examples.rst manuscript.rst Quickstart ========== - Install the python module (see :doc:`install`) - Create transcriptome and genome index files (see :ref:`index_example`) - Create a CSV file to define your experiment (see :doc:`managing_metadata`) - Submit your jobs to a DRMAA aware high performance computing cluster (see :ref:`submit_example`) - Summarize gene/transcript expression and QC metrics in analysis-ready tables using :ref:`summarize_example` and :ref:`qc_example`. .. graphviz:: :caption: Overview of PISCES workflow, demonstrating configuration file inputs and descriptions of processes and outputs for each PISCES subcommand (index, submit, summarize-expression and summarize-qc). digraph { rankdir=TB; abundance [label=" TMM(TPM)| counts| transcript metrics", shape=record]; de [label=" log2(fold-change)| p-value", shape=record]; qc [label=" nucleotide metrics| genotype metrics", shape=record]; index [label=" salmon index| gene-transcript mapping| transcript/intron/intergene models", shape=record]; "config.json" -> "pisces index" [arrowhead=none]; "metadata.csv" -> "pisces submit" [arrowhead=none]; "metadata.csv" -> "pisces summarize-expression" [arrowhead=none]; "metadata.csv" -> "pisces summarize-qc" [arrowhead=none]; "contrasts.csv" -> "pisces summarize-expression" [arrowhead=none]; "pisces submit" -> "pisces summarize-expression"; "pisces submit" -> "pisces summarize-qc"; "pisces summarize-expression" -> abundance; "pisces summarize-expression" -> de; "pisces summarize-qc" -> qc; "pisces index" -> index; index -> "pisces submit"; } Publication =========== The manuscript is available on `bioRxiv `__ and the latest version can be viewed in this documentation: :doc:`manuscript`. Matthew D Shirley, Viveksagar K Radhakrishna, Javad Golji, Joshua M Korn. `PISCES: a package for rapid quantitation and quality control of large scale mRNA-seq datasets `__. bioRxiv. 2020. Development =========== Pull requests and issues are welcomed on the pisces `Github repository `__.