Saving table as an image, also labeling the program that created the table and where the table is stored

xgx_save_table(data, dirs = NULL, filename_main = NULL)



data.frame or table of results


list of directories. If NULL or if directories missing, there is default behavior below

  1. parent_dir = Parent directory containing the Rscript and the Results folder, default getwd()

  2. rscript_dir = Subdirectory of parent_dir that contains the Rscript used to generate the figure, default "./"

  3. rscript_name= Name of the Rscript used to generate the figure, default "Name_Of_Script_Here.R"

  4. results_dir = Subdirectory ofparent_dir where the figure is stored, default "./"

  5. filename_prefix = prefix of filename to be appended to filename_main


main part of the filename, excluding prefix and extension. no default


ggplot2 plot object


directory = tempdir()
dirs <- list(parent_dir  = directory,
             rscript_dir = directory,
             rscript_name = "example.R",
             results_dir = directory,
             filename_prefix = "example_")
data <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2), y = c(1, 2))
xgx_save_table(data, dirs = dirs, filename_main = "test")
#>                                            x y
#> 1                                          1 1
#> 2                                          2 2
#> 3                                             
#> 4                            /tmp/RtmpsYPXOI  
#> 5                  /tmp/RtmpsYPXOI/example.R  
#> 6 /tmp/RtmpsYPXOI/example_unnamed_table_.csv  
#> 7       Created: /2023-10-13 19:27:10.938498