Running ======= .. _index_example: pisces index ------------ .. code:: shell $ pisces index Builds the default PISCES :doc:`config`. This will build salmon index files for human, mouse, and human-mouse sample types. .. note:: If index output folders exist, they will not be overwritten, as PISCES assumes the index has already been built. You can also pass in a custom ``--config`` file: .. code:: shell $ pisces --config config.json index .. _run_example: pisces run ---------- .. note:: Most users will want to use ``pisces submit`` to process an entire experiment on either a local machine or an HPC cluster. Please see submit_example_ for usage. .. code:: shell $ pisces run -fq1 lane1_R1_001.fastq.gz lane1_R1_002.fastq.gz \ -fq2 lane1_R2_001.fastq.gz lane1_R2_002.fastq.gz In the most basic form, you can specify only the fastq files (as a list of forward and reverse reads) and other parameters will be auto-detected or selected from default values. Either paired or unpaired libraries are allowed. If the data are unpaired, just pass fastq files using ``-fq1``. Data and program paths are defined using a default :doc:`config` which can be specified at runtime using the ``--config`` argument. .. code:: shell $ pisces --config config.json run \ -fq1 lane1_R1_001.fastq.gz lane1_R1_002.fastq.gz \ -fq2 lane1_R2_001.fastq.gz lane1_R2_002.fastq.gz Sample name (``-n, --name``), output directory (``-o, --out``) and total number of CPU threads to utilize (``-p, --threads``) may be specified explicitly, or default to automatic values. .. code:: shell $ pisces run -fq1 lane1_R1_001.fastq.gz lane1_R1_002.fastq.gz \ -fq2 lane1_R2_001.fastq.gz lane1_R2_002.fastq.gz \ -p 12 \ -o PISCES_output_sample1 .. command-output:: pisces run --help .. _submit_example: pisces submit ------------- PISCES contains a command for running multiple ``pisces run`` jobs on a DRMAA-aware compute cluster (sge, uge, slurm). Jobs are specified using the ``metadata.csv`` table by adding data locations for the FASTQ files. Extra arguments to ``pisces run`` are passed to ``pisces submit`` and appended to each job before submission to the cluster. The DRMMA library needs to be accessible in your environment: ``export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/``. .. code:: shell $ pisces submit --metadata metadata.csv [pisces run args] After job submission, ``pisces submit`` will monitor the progress of submitted jobs. If you want to exit this command, pressing ``Ctrl+C`` will prompt whether to delete the current jobs. Job progress (running, completion, or failure) can be checked at any time by re-running ``pisces submit`` in the directory where ``pisces submit`` was originally run. If you need to later re-run ``pisces submit`` in the same directory you must first delete the ``.pisces`` directory. .. command-output:: pisces submit --help .. _summarize_example: pisces summarize-expression --------------------------- .. code:: shell $ pisces summarize-expression Sample1/PISCES Sample2/PISCES Sample3/PISCES ... or .. code:: shell $ pisces summarize-expression -m metadata.csv You can summarize transcript-level expression to gene-level and make TPM and counts matrices using ``pisces summarize-expression``. Required arguments are the directories specified as ``--out`` from ``pisces run``. Optionally you can supply a metadata matrix in CSV format similar to `this example `__: +------------+-------------+-------------+ | SampleID | Treatment | Timepoint | +============+=============+=============+ | Sample1 | DMSO | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample2 | DMSO | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample3 | DMSO | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample4 | Dox | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample5 | Dox | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample6 | Dox | 1h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample7 | DMSO | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample8 | DMSO | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample9 | DMSO | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample10 | Dox | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample11 | Dox | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ | Sample12 | Dox | 4h | +------------+-------------+-------------+ When supplying a ``--metadata`` file you can specify the ``--group-by`` option to group samples (e.g. Timepoint) before normalizing using the ``--norm-by`` variable (e.g. Treatment) with the ``--control-factor`` (e.g. DMSO) as the set of control samples to normalize to. You can also pass a formula for differential expression using DESeq2 by specifying ``--deseq-formula`` such as ``--deseq-formula "~ Treatment + Treatment:Timepoint"``. The ``--spotfire-template`` option copies a template Spotfire file useful for visualizing the resulting data matrices. By default ``pisces summarize-expression`` matches metadata to input sample directories based on the order of directories passed as positional arguments. E.g: ``pisces summarize-expression -m metadata.csv /Sample1 /Sample2 ...``. Sometimes this is cumbersome, so there are two options for encoding input locations in the metadata file: As paths to ``pisces run`` output directories: +------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | SampleID | Treatment | Directory | +============+=============+=========================+ | Sample1 | DMSO | /path/to/PISCES\_run1 | +------------+-------------+-------------------------+ | Sample2 | DMSO | /path/to/PISCES\_run2 | +------------+-------------+-------------------------+ As paths to salmon "quant.sf" files: +------------+-------------+----------------------------------+ | SampleID | Treatment | QuantFilePath | +============+=============+==================================+ | Sample1 | DMSO | /path/to/PISCES\_run1/quant.sf | +------------+-------------+----------------------------------+ | Sample2 | DMSO | /path/to/PISCES\_run2/quant.sf | +------------+-------------+----------------------------------+ .. command-output:: pisces summarize-expression .. _qc_example: pisces summarize-qc ------------------- QC tables are created using the ``pisces summarize-qc`` command. PISCES samples are discovered recursively for each directory passed to the tool. .. code:: shell $ pisces summarize-qc . \ --spotfire-template QC.dxp \ --tab QC.table.txt \ --tall QC.skinny.txt \ --fingerprint fingerprint_identities.txt or .. code:: shell $ pisces summarize-qc --metadata metadata.csv \ --spotfire-template QC.dxp \ --tab QC.table.txt \ --tall QC.skinny.txt \ --fingerprint fingerprint_identities.txt Note that directories are searched recursively and so it is sufficient to pass in the top level directory when all PISCES runs in the directory are desired. .. command-output:: pisces summarize-qc