Sparse sequential knockoff generation algorithm
This function takes as input a data frame X and returns its sparse sequential knockoff copy. Sparse sequential knockoffs first calculates the adjacency matrix of X (i.e. identifies the zeros/non-zeros of the precision matrix of X). Then it proceeds with the usual sequential knockoffs algorithm, except now each sequential regression only includes covariates that correspond to non-zero elements of the precision matrix of X. This reduces the number of covariates per regression in the original sequential knockoff algorithm. To gain additional speed-up (as compared to sequential knockoffs) we apply least squares as the default method for estimation in each regression, unless the number of covariates exceeds half the number of observations, i.e. p > n/2. In this case we apply the elastic net regularized regression.
- X
data.frame (or tibble) with "numeric" and "factor" columns only. The number of columns, ncol(X) needs to be > 2.
- adjacency.matrix
optional user specified adjacency matrix (i.e. binary indicator matrix corresponding to the non-zero elements of the precision matrix of X). Defaults to NULL and is then estimated within the function call.
- seq_simulator
name of function that used to estimate the conditional distributions in the sequential steps. Default is the function
, which is a least squares fit (continuous variables) or multinomial logistic regression (factor variables) respectively.
sparse sequential knockoff copy of X. A data.frame or tibble of same type and dimensions as X.
X <- generate_X(n=100, p=6, p_b=2, cov_type="cov_equi", rho=0.5)
# knockoffs based on sequential elastic-net regression:
Xk <- knockoffs_sparse_seq(X)
#> # weights: 8 (7 variable)
#> initial value 69.314718
#> iter 10 value 42.911908
#> final value 42.498721
#> converged
#> # weights: 8 (7 variable)
#> initial value 69.314718
#> iter 10 value 48.791354
#> final value 48.785677
#> converged