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This function takes as input a data frame X and returns its sparse sequential knockoff copy. Sparse sequential knockoffs first calculates the adjacency matrix of X (i.e. identifies the zeros/non-zeros of the precision matrix of X). Then it proceeds with the usual sequential knockoffs algorithm, except now each sequential regression only includes covariates that correspond to non-zero elements of the precision matrix of X. This reduces the number of covariates per regression in the original sequential knockoff algorithm. To gain additional speed-up (as compared to sequential knockoffs) we apply least squares as the default method for estimation in each regression, unless the number of covariates exceeds half the number of observations, i.e. p > n/2. In this case we apply the elastic net regularized regression.


knockoffs_sparse_seq(X, adjacency.matrix = NULL)



data.frame (or tibble) with "numeric" and "factor" columns only. The number of columns, ncol(X) needs to be > 2.


optional user specified adjacency matrix (i.e. binary indicator matrix corresponding to the non-zero elements of the precision matrix of X). Defaults to NULL and is then estimated within the function call.


name of function that used to estimate the conditional distributions in the sequential steps. Default is the function sim_simple, which is a least squares fit (continuous variables) or multinomial logistic regression (factor variables) respectively.


sparse sequential knockoff copy of X. A data.frame or tibble of same type and dimensions as X.




X <- generate_X(n=100, p=6, p_b=2, cov_type="cov_equi", rho=0.5)

# knockoffs based on sequential elastic-net regression:
Xk <- knockoffs_sparse_seq(X)
#> # weights:  8 (7 variable)
#> initial  value 69.314718 
#> iter  10 value 42.911908
#> final  value 42.498721 
#> converged
#> # weights:  8 (7 variable)
#> initial  value 69.314718 
#> iter  10 value 48.791354
#> final  value 48.785677 
#> converged